But be prepared for long winded tall tales from the old timers.After 2+ Years of Free Content, the Vision for Battlefront™II is Now Complete Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order™ Star Wars Battlefront II Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes And for those who don't understand the monkey reference, ask around on the Forums and you'll quickly find out. What you will SOON find is Shock Force 2! Everything is set to go for preorders, however we wanted to first take the website and store for a shakedown cruise before there's a bunch of you Refresh Monkeys™ hammering away on the new site. Shock Force 1 is no longer available for sale and therefore you will find no trace of it on this website. If you should find a technical issue with the website in general or the store specifically, head on over to the general Tech Support Forum and let us know. This way you don't have to pay for redundant printed manuals just to get DVDs.

Because we only print Game Engine manuals the new option allows you to order a manual ONCE and still order DVDs for future purchases. Due to the ever increasing costs of printing and shipping, you can now select between Digital Only, Disk Only, Manual Only, or Manual and Disk. As before all games include free, unlimited downloading for both Windows and MacOS. We now offer more purchase options for most products. If you can not remember your login info, or are using an account with a dead email address, click on the Support link above and then the Help Desk to file a ticket.