In the dreary glades of the ancient Elven kingdom of Athel Loren, the mystic Wood Elves, and ancient forest spirits awaken from their centuries of slumber to guard their forests from the invading mortal races, and Beastmen raiding parties that dare trespass on their sacred groves. Stalking the black undergrowth of the Drakwald Forest, horrible tribes of mutated humans, known as collectively as the Beastmen, raid and pillage across the Empire solely motivated by their pure hatred of the notion of civilization, striking at the most vulnerable, and disappearing back into the dark depths of the trees, led by the Beastmen Warlord, Khazrak the One-Eyed, who seeks vengeance against his most hated foe, the Elector Count of Middenland, Boris Todbringer. In the badlands, a particularly brutal Orc Warboss, Grimgor Ironhide, seeks to unite the squabbling Greenskin tribes, whether they be Goblins or Orcs, and form the biggest Waaaaagghhhhh!!! in known history, to crush any and all who oppose him, until only the strongest are left to fight on endlessly.

No longer hiding in their mountain holds, the brave Dwarfen Kingdoms are under a resurgence underneath their mighty and noble High King, Thorgrim Grudgebearer, who intends to cross out every grudge in the Dammaz Kron, and restore the ancient Dwarf Empire to its once glorious self, no matter what it takes.